A hit at Sundance, this singular debut combines indie drama and horror film aesthetics for a haunting depiction of living online. Late on a cold night somewhere in the U.S., teenage Casey sits alone in her attic bedroom, scrolling the internet under the glow-in-the-dark stars and blacklight posters that blanket the ceiling. She has finally decided to take the World’s Fair Challenge, an online role-playing horror game — and embrace the uncertainty it promises. After the initiation, she documents the changes that may or may not be happening to her, adding her experiences to the shuffle of online clips available for the world to see. As she begins to lose herself between dream and reality, a mysterious figure reaches out, claiming to see something special in her uploads.
“In the last 20 years, as the internet steadily integrated itself into every facet of our lives, adolescence has been changed radically…WE’RE ALL GOING TO THE WORLD’S FAIR is a warm hand for those still trying to figure themselves out.” —Jourdain Searles, Hollywood Reporter “WE’RE ALL GOING TO THE WORLD’S FAIR understands all too well that the existential unease of youth itself, hormonal and chaotic and deeply rooted in truly becoming aware of the passage of time, is the foundation of true horror. Jane Schoenbrun’s film is a perceptive, haunting dive into the digital subconscious, the face and metadata of the next evolution in transformative fantasy terror. ” —Jason Shawhan, Nashville Scene