This followup to our recent series Trilogies, Part 1 — coming on the heels of this February’s Swoon series capper, Richard Linklater’s BEFORE Trilogy — adds a few more logs to the fire. The great Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu’s Noriko Trilogy centers the young woman played by the luminous Setsuko Hara in a trio of family dramas. Steely Gotham City is the setting of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. And the great German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s BRD trilogy plays consecutive Wednesdays — each one focusing on a woman in West Germany, post WWII. How many parts in this run of Belcourt Trilogies series could there be? Why, three of course. Stay tuned for Part 3.
In Theatre
Tuesday, Feb 11
This week