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Sat, Oct 23 at 1:55pm


  • Dir. James Whale
  • USA
  • 1935
  • 75 min.
  • NR
  • DCP
  • Assistive Listening
  • Hearing Loop

Part of Universal Monsters + Restored Halloween Classics.

Sat, Oct 23 at 1:55pm: Introduction from film critic Jason Shawhan | BUY TICKETS

Boris Karloff reprises his role as the silver screen’s most misunderstood monster who now longs for a mate. Continuing exactly where the original left off, the critically acclaimed sequel introduces Dr. Pretorius (Ernest Thesiger) as a deranged scientist who forces Dr. Frankenstein (Colin Clive) to help him create a companion for the monster. Once again directed by James Whale and adapted from Mary Shelley’s classic novel, the sequel features outstanding makeup and special effects — instantly making the Bride of Frankenstein (Elsa Lanchester) one of the most recognizable movie monsters of all time.

“Boris Karloff comes again to terrify the children, frighten the women and play a jiggling tune upon masculine spines as the snarling, lumbering, pitiful Thing that a scientist formed from grave-snatched corpses and brought to life with the lightning…. Now, possibly under the unfluence of Spring at Universal, he is slightly moonstruck, hungry for kindness and even — oh, perish the thought — for love.” —New York Times (May 11, 1935)